Oracle Forms : Form Level Property : Mouse Navigation Limit

Oracle Forms Online Help says: Determines how far outside the current item an end user can navigate with the mouse. Mouse Navigation Limit can be set to the following settings:
  • Form  (The default.) Allows end users to navigate to any item in the current form.
  • Block  Allows end users to navigate only to items that are within the current block.
  • Record  Allows end users to navigate only to items that are within the current record.
  • Item  Prevents end users from navigating out of the current item. This setting prevents end users from navigating with the mouse at all.
This property is related to mouse navigation only. The value specifies is the area to which the mouse navigation is allowed. The values are : Form, Block, Record, Item. Default value is “Form”.
Let us check with the attached form Test1.fmb. It has with 2 blocks: Dummy and Main. Dummy is the single record block and Main is the multi record block. 

You can see Form’s property “Mouse Navigation Limit”. It is “Form”.

Please remember: When you run any form the cursor moves to the first item of first block in the data block hierarchy or it moves to the first item of block you have set using First Navigation Data Block property or set programmatically.

When you Run this form, you can click in any item, the cursor will move to it. 

Now, Change this “Mouse Navigation Limit” property to “Data Block” and run. You can see that when you click on Code or Name item of Dummy block, cursor is placed there. But when you click on item of Main block the cursor doesn’t stay there. It moved to the Dummy block. It is because the mouse navigation is allowed to data block only which is currently selected.  The cursor can be moved to another block: using keyboard shortcut or programmatically.

Now, change First Navigation Data Block to “MAIN” and Change this “Mouse Navigation Limit” property to “Record” and run. In multi record block (MAIN), enter data for some rows. Move the cursor to any record using keyboard. Now use mouse to navigate to any other record. It doesn’t move. Mouse navigation is now limited to the current record.

Now, change First Navigation Data Block to “DUMMY” and Change this “Mouse Navigation Limit” property to “Item” and run. At startup the cursor will be in item Code of block Dummy. Now use mouse to navigate to item Name on the same block. It doesn’t move. Mouse navigation is now limited to the current Item only.


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